Users can create groups comprising up to 200 contacts and broadcast messages to a maximum of 100 people that are using Telegram, regardless of the platform of their choice. In order to create your account, you will be prompted to enter your name and provide a valid mobile phone number, which is used for generating a security code. Telegram features an intuitive interface that encases a list of your contacts and displays the conversation with each. Messages you send via Telegram Desktop are automatically encrypted before they are stored online. A more secure alternative to other messaging appsĭeploying versions for all major mobile platforms like Android, iOS, but also desktop operating systems (Windows, macOS and Linux), Telegram becomes a good alternative to other more popular messaging programs, such as WhatsApp.Īs mentioned above, the plus it brings is improved security, putting privacy above everything else. Focusing on security, it encrypts all conversations and shared files and stores them in the cloud, allowing fast synchronizations and quick access to the message database from anywhere in the world. Telegram Desktop is a powerful, cross-platform messenger app that enables you to get in touch with other users without worrying about data interception and stealing.